How do I set up the OXID6 e-commerce plug-in?

You can find the integration to OXID6, which is compatible until 6.1, in your Newsletter2Go-Account by integrations.

There are two diffrent ways to install the plugin in your OXID6 Shop:

1.1 Download the Plugin inside of your newsletter2go account and copy the contents of / in your Shop under /source/modules/newsletter2go/src

1.2 or you can go directly to your shop on the server to the directory: <shop_directory>/source/modules and run this command:
You will copy the plugin from our github repository.
2. After that you need to add one line to your composer.json file in the autoload section in the root directory of your shop:
Add this line: "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Newsletter2Go\\Newsletter2Go\\": "./source/modules/newsletter2go/src" } }
then run `composer dump-autoload`
3. Login into your OXID6 Shop backend.

Go to Applications-->Modules and select Newsletter2Go

On the right you should click on "activate" now.

Select the settings.
If you click on integration-settings you are able to see the credentials Username and API Key for your integrations.
You can also activate the Conversion-Tracking for your shop here. With that you can massure which customer from which newsletter bought someting in your shop.

Click on "Connect" to  create the OXID6 Integration in yourNewsletter2Go zu verbinden.

You have again diffrent options on our Connect-Page. We would suggest that you are already loged in to you newsletter2go account.

Then you would see this window and can allow the access to your account,

If you are not logged in into you newsletter2go account you will see this window where you can login.

Or if you are not a newsletter2go customer, you are able to create you account.

After the authorization the integration to OXID6 will be created in your account and you are able to test the connection.

Well done, you connected your OXID6 Shop with Newsletter2Go!