Where Do I Find Proof of DOI and a Record of How Contacts Signed Up?

The best way to check if there is a record of a double opt-in (DOI) for an existing contact is to export and check that contact's information in a .csv file. Navigate to Active Contacts, select all (or only the contacts you are interested in checking), and then click on the gear icon that appears and choose Export as CSV.

The .csv file will contain all the information you need (and much more)! Here are the columns to examine:

1) Source = how the contact was added to your list

  • Import = imported via a file, migration or an integration
  • ImportDOI = imported via a file and then confirmed with a DOI mailing
  • Form = registered via a sign-up form
  • Manual = added manually by a user

2) Registration Date = the sign-up/import date when a contact joined your list

3) Activation Date = date the DOI link was clicked

4) Registration IP

  • Import = they were imported per migration, file import, etc.
  • Numbers = the IP address from which they registered

In addition, starting in the Standard Plan, you can examine the report for your automated DOI email. Navigate to Reports > Automation, and then click on your DOI email. Here, you'll notice that under Activities > Clickers, each person who clicked is listed with the date and time of the click.