How Do I Insert and Format Contact Attributes in My Campaigns?

Placeholders can be used in mailings to insert contact attributes. The most basic way to insert a placeholder is using Simple Personalization. This directly inserts the attribute you've chosen. If you want to insert attributes based on certain conditions, then you should use an If/Then/Otherwise Personalization.

You can set up personalizations/placeholders by selecting the icon in the editing toolbar.
You can also insert placeholders using certain text shortcuts. Use the following format for this: {{ recipient.attribute }}. Enter the correct title for the attribute, for example: first_name, last_name, etc. To display a contact's first name, type in the shortcut {{ recipient.first_name }}.
Standard Attributes
These attributes come preprogrammed in your contact lists. You can create custom attributes as well.
Email  email  {{ }} 
Telephone phone {{ }} 
Gender gender {{ recipient.gender }}
First name first_name {{ recipient.first_name }}
Last name last_name {{ recipient.last_name }}
Birthday birthday {{ recipient.birthday }} 
Formatting Attributes
There are also many options for changing how attributes appear in your email campaigns.
{{ recipient.first_name | upper }} 
The attribute appears in all uppercase letters.
Peter → PETER
{{ recipient.first_name | lower }} 
The attribute appears in all lowercase letters.
PETER → peter
{{ recipient.title | capitalize }} 
The first letter of the phrase will be capitalized.
a beautiful day → A beautiful day
{{ recipient.title | title }} 
Every word in the phrase will start with a capital letter.
a beautiful day → A Beautiful Day
{{ recipient.attribute | default('No entry!') }} 
If the attribute is empty, this phrase will appear by default
No entry!
{{ recipient.attribute | first }} 
Only the first value of the attribute will be displayed.
1234 → 1 a,b,c,d → a
{{ recipient.attribute | last }} 
Only the last value of the attribute will be displayed.
1234 → 4 a,b,c,d → d
{{ "I like %s and %s." | format(recipient.attribute1, recipient.attribute2) }} 
This lets you include two attributes side by side in the same formatting.
I like sunshine and ice cream.
{{ recipient.attribute | slice(10, 3) }} 
This lets you display only a certain part of a given value. The first value determines how many places to ignore, the second how many places to include.
Newsletter2Go → 2Go
{{ 9800333 | number_format(2, '.', ',') }}
This changes the number formatting. The first indicates the number of decimal places desired, the second the decimal point, and the third the thousands separator.
Formatting Dates
You can also change the date and time format for attributes.
{{ "now" | date("d.m.Y") }} 
Insert the current date in day-month-year format (European format).
{{ "now" | date("m/d/Y") }} 
Insert the current date in month-day-year format (U.S. format). Or you can choose any other format you like.
{{ recipient.appointment | date_modify("+1 day") | date("d.m.Y") }} 
This adds one day to the date saved as an attribute.
07.02.2018 → 08.02.2018
{{ recipient.appointment | date_modify("+1 week") | date("d.m.Y") }} 
The adds one week to the date saved as an attribute.
07.02.2018 → 14.02.2018
{{ recipient.appoinment| date_modify("next monday") | date("d.m.Y") }} 
This changes the saved date to the next Monday.
07.02.2018 → 12.02.2018
We use the template engine Twig for placeholders and personalization. You can find  documentation and more information here.